


Two uncoordinated people playing "run jump and twirl" after church in the gym is not a great idea. Especially if the runner forgets to jump and just pummels into the other person, causing them to fall-  in a really slow motion/awkward manner while trying to keep their skirt from flying up- which sprains their ankle.
So if you're thinking about playing this game...maybe just thumb wrestle instead. There's minimal injury in that game. (Unless you play with my sister who likes to dig her nails in her opponents hands, scaring them for life)

On a completely unrelated note:
I look super cool using crutches.


It's Raining

Well, it's more of a muggy drizzle. A sweaty mist coming out of the heavens.
I'm still counting it.

One time, I got stuck behind a huge truck going up a big hill. My little truck has zero power to pass anything on any sort of incline, so I stayed behind this truck for about two miles. Maybe a mile up this hill it started to rain. I was so confused because there were no clouds in the sky. I remember the sky was a really pretty shade of blue. I wondered where this mist was coming from. I turned on my windshield wipers, but my windshield just became harder to see through.
Then I saw it.
The truck in front of me was hauling cattle. The rain was actually some poor cow that was obviously really sick....or maybe a few cows, who knows.
All I do know is that when I got out at the next gas station to fill up, I took the squeegee and wiped my whole truck down.

That's the last time I ever followed a cattle truck.



Last week we had a family reunion with my dad's side of the family. We don't get to see each other as much as we would like, which makes these reunions pretty special.
We drove about 15 hours to get up to my aunt and uncle's house in Lewiston. I got to sleep in a princess bed (which I fell out of one morning. The sheets were slippery. That's my excuse.)
We also went to Dworshak Dam to take a tour. It was about an hour and a half walk to the middle of the dam and back. I don't remember anything that the lady was saying. It was windy and I walk slow. I do remember repeating "Dworshak" in my head a million times because I think it's a super cool word.

Our reunions are always amazing. This one was no different. In fact, I think this might be the most memorable yet.
Some little kid decided to get the flu, and then spread it on to other family members. One by one...we started falling to the unpleasantness that is heaving over a toilet. One morning, all the bathrooms were full, which left my mom frantically scurrying around with a bucket in her hand yelling for someone to hurry up.
I was throughly entertained.
Apart from all the bodily fluids...we all had a fantastic time. There's always food and there's always laughing. Full body laughs that come from the gut and make you want to pee your pants and make your head pound.
I do wish that we all lived closer so that getting together wasn't so difficult.