Its over. Its come and gone and months and months of planning and prep work have come and gone in just a few short days. SO much happened this last week. I know this is Girls Camp-meant for the girls, but I always come away from this experience feeling stronger and wiser and ready to be a better person.
I had a couple of experiences with these girls that I wanted to write down...but instead of the experience itself, I want to remember the lesson learned...and lessons relearned.
First, we chose to come to this earth, to follow the Savior's plan. We knew it would be hard, and that we would make mistakes and it would be very difficult. Christ offered himself as a sacrifice to atone for our sins to make our lives easier. He became our redeemer, making it possible to return to our father in heaven.
We are constantly faced with choices. Whatever circumstance we may find ourselves in, we will always have the ability to choose. Always.
Having this ability also means we have a responsibility to choose.
The adversary is always there, waiting and hoping to claim us and bring us to his side. We hear him telling us it's not worth it. "It doesn't matter" "No one even cares".
We have been given tools to help combat these false phrases. And that is prayer. It is through reading the scriptures. We have the right tools to make the correct decisions.
Courage is needed. We need to have the courage to say no. But also to yes. The " yes" can be harder to say sometimes. Yes I will go to church. Yes I will read my scriptures. Yes I will go to seminary. Yes I will live righteously.
There are consequences to our decisions. Whether we realize it or not. We are responsible for them. We can alter our lives in an instant. We alter our own lives, and also our brothers, sisters, parents, those we love and who love us, and those who we didn't know even cared in the first place. Some choices are irreversible, unfortunately. Many are not. But even after irreversible decisions are made, we will always be able to change our course. Always. Regardless circumstance.
These girls I worked with and alongside of have an even greater responsibility than I did at their age. The world is hard, and mean, and cruel. They set the example of righteousness for the rest of us. I am in complete awe at their determination and their will to live righteously. I've seen their faith In the Savior and in His plan.
They are strong.
They are courageous.
They are smart.
And I love them and feel so blessed that was able to be able to get to know them more as individuals.
They may have looked to me as their leader all week...but I look to them as examples of faith and testimony and strength.
I hope that I can be more like them.